Module swordie_db.user
This module holds the User class for the SwordieDB package.
Copyright 2020 TEAM SPIRIT. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. Refer to or the project wiki on GitHub for usage examples.
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"""This module holds the User class for the SwordieDB package.
Copyright 2020 TEAM SPIRIT. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Refer to or the project wiki on GitHub for usage examples.
import mysql.connector as con
class User:
"""User object; models SwordieMS users.
Using instance method SwordieDB::get_user_by_username(username) or the SwordieDB::get_char_by_name(name).user getter
will create a User object instance with attributes identical to the user with username "username"
(or IGN "name" for the latter) in the connected Swordie-based database.
This class contains the appropriate getter and setter methods for said attributes.
account_type: Integer, representing the level of authority
ban_reason: String (256 Char), representing the reason the user is banned
donation_points: Integer, representing the amount of DP the user has
maple_points: Integer, representing the amount of Maple Points the user has
nx_prepaid: Integer, representing the amoung of NX Prepaid the user has
user_id: Integer, representing the User ID
vote_points: Integer, representing the amount of VP the user has
def __init__(self, user_stats, database_config):
"""Emulates how user object is handled server-sided
user_stats: dictionary of user attributes, formatted in SwordieMS style
database_config: dictionary of protected attributes from a SwordieDB object
self._user_stats = user_stats
self._database_config = database_config
self._id = 0
self._ban_reason = ""
self._vote_points = 0
self._donation_points = 0
self._maple_points = 0
self._nx_prepaid = 0
self._account_type = 0
self._username = ""
self._password = ""
self._pic = ""
def init_user_stats(self):
"""Given a dictionary of stats from Swordie's DB we add them to User object's attributes
Runs near the end of User::__init__(user_stats, database_config).
It assigns the user attributes in user_stats to their respective protected attributes belonging to
the User object instance.
self._id = self._user_stats["id"]
self._ban_reason = self._user_stats["banReason"]
self._vote_points = self._user_stats["votepoints"]
self._donation_points = self._user_stats["donationpoints"]
self._maple_points = self._user_stats["maplePoints"]
self._nx_prepaid = self._user_stats["nxPrepaid"]
self._account_type = self._user_stats["accounttype"]
self._username = self._user_stats["name"]
self._password = self._user_stats["password"]
self._pic = self._user_stats["pic"]
def user_stats(self):
return self._user_stats
def database_config(self):
return self._database_config
def username(self):
return self._username
def username(self, x):
self._username = x
self.set_stat_by_column("name", x)
def password(self):
return self._password
def pic(self):
return self._pic
def pic(self, x):
self._pic = x
self.set_stat_by_column("pic", x)
def user_id(self):
return self._id
def ban_reason(self):
return self._ban_reason
def ban_reason(self, reason):
if len(reason) < 255:
self.set_stat_by_column("banReason", reason)
self._ban_reason = reason
print("Ban Reason was too long.")
def vote_points(self):
return self._vote_points
def vote_points(self, amount):
self.set_stat_by_column("votepoints", amount)
self._vote_points = amount
def add_vote_points(self, amount):
"""Adds the specified amount to the current VP count
amount: Int, representing the number of vote points to be added to the current count
new_vp = int(amount) + self.vote_points
self.vote_points = new_vp
def donation_points(self):
return self._donation_points
def donation_points(self, amount):
self.set_stat_by_column("donationpoints", amount)
self._donation_points = amount
def add_donation_points(self, amount):
"""Adds the specified amount to the current DP count
amount: Int, representing the number of DPs to be added to the current count
new_dp = int(amount) + self.donation_points
self.donation_points = new_dp
def maple_points(self):
return self._maple_points
def maple_points(self, amount):
self.set_stat_by_column("maplePoints", amount)
self._maple_points = amount
def add_maple_points(self, amount):
"""Adds the specified amount to the current Maple Points pool
amount: Int, representing the number of Maple Points to be added to the current pool
new_maple_points = int(amount) + self.maple_points
self.maple_points = new_maple_points
def account_type(self):
return self._account_type
def account_type(self, acc_type):
self.set_stat_by_column("accounttype", acc_type)
self._account_type = acc_type
def give_admin(self):
"""Sets the user account type to: Admin"""
self.account_type = 4
def give_intern(self):
"""Sets the user account type to: Intern"""
self.account_type = 3
def give_tester(self):
"""Sets the user account type to: Tester"""
self.account_type = 5
def give_player(self):
"""Sets the user account type to: Player"""
self.account_type = 0
def is_admin(self):
"""Checks if the user's account type is: Admin (Strictly)
Checks if the account type ID associated with the user is 4. Both Int and String types are checked.
Boolean, representing whether user is Admin (True) or not (False)
return self.account_type == 4 or self.account_type == "4" # A string check just in case
def change_password(self, new_pass):
Primitive password change function. It will break in real Swordie-based sources, as Swordie hashes passwords.
Note: This is not a safe method to use when changing password as it does not hash the password after changing.
new_pass: string, representing the new plaintext password to be set to the database
self.set_stat_by_column("password", new_pass)
def get_acc_type_string(self):
"""Fetches the account type of the user in words
Fetches the account type (Int) from user attributes. Maps the account type to its meaning in words
String, representing account type
if self.account_type == 4:
return "Admin"
elif self.account_type == 0:
return "Player"
elif self.account_type == 3:
return "Intern"
elif self.account_type == 5:
return "Tester"
def nx_prepaid(self):
return self._nx_prepaid
def nx_prepaid(self, amount):
self.set_stat_by_column("nxPrepaid", amount)
self._nx_prepaid = amount
def add_nx_prepaid(self, amount):
"""Adds the specified amount to the current NX pool
amount: Int, representing the amount of NX to be added to the NX pool
new_nx = int(amount) + self.nx_prepaid
self.nx_prepaid = new_nx
def get_stat_by_column(self, column):
"""Fetches user attribute by column name
Int or String, representing user attribute queried
Generic error on failure
return self.user_stats[str(column)]
except Exception as e:
print("[ERROR] Error trying to obtain the given column for table users.", e)
def set_stat_by_column(self, column, value):
"""Sets a user's attributes by column name in database
Grabs the database attributes provided through the class constructor.
Uses these attributes to attempt a database connection.
Attempts to update the field represented by the provided column in the users table, with the provided value.
Not recommended to use this alone, as it won't update the user object which this was used from
value: int or string, representing the value to be set in the database
column: string, representing the column in the database that is to be updated
A boolean representing whether the operation was successful.
SQL Error 2003: Can't cannect to DB
WinError 10060: No response from DB
List index out of range: Wrong column name
host = self._database_config["host"]
user = self._database_config["user"]
password = self._database_config["password"]
schema = self._database_config["schema"]
port = self._database_config["port"]
database = con.connect(host=host, user=user, password=password, database=schema, port=port)
cursor = database.cursor(dictionary=True)
cursor.execute(f"UPDATE users SET {column} = '{value}' WHERE id = '{self.user_id}'")
print(f"Successfully updated {column} value for user id: {self.user_id}.")
self._user_stats[column] = value # Update the stats in the dictionary
return True
except Exception as e:
print("[ERROR] Error trying to set stats in database.", e)
return False
class User (user_stats, database_config)
User object; models SwordieMS users.
Using instance method SwordieDB::get_user_by_username(username) or the SwordieDB::get_char_by_name(name).user getter will create a User object instance with attributes identical to the user with username "username" (or IGN "name" for the latter) in the connected Swordie-based database. This class contains the appropriate getter and setter methods for said attributes.
- Integer, representing the level of authority
- String (256 Char), representing the reason the user is banned
- Integer, representing the amount of DP the user has
- Integer, representing the amount of Maple Points the user has
- Integer, representing the amoung of NX Prepaid the user has
- Integer, representing the User ID
- Integer, representing the amount of VP the user has
Emulates how user object is handled server-sided
- dictionary of user attributes, formatted in SwordieMS style
- dictionary of protected attributes from a SwordieDB object
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class User: """User object; models SwordieMS users. Using instance method SwordieDB::get_user_by_username(username) or the SwordieDB::get_char_by_name(name).user getter will create a User object instance with attributes identical to the user with username "username" (or IGN "name" for the latter) in the connected Swordie-based database. This class contains the appropriate getter and setter methods for said attributes. Attributes: account_type: Integer, representing the level of authority ban_reason: String (256 Char), representing the reason the user is banned donation_points: Integer, representing the amount of DP the user has maple_points: Integer, representing the amount of Maple Points the user has nx_prepaid: Integer, representing the amoung of NX Prepaid the user has user_id: Integer, representing the User ID vote_points: Integer, representing the amount of VP the user has """ def __init__(self, user_stats, database_config): """Emulates how user object is handled server-sided Args: user_stats: dictionary of user attributes, formatted in SwordieMS style database_config: dictionary of protected attributes from a SwordieDB object """ self._user_stats = user_stats self._database_config = database_config self._id = 0 self._ban_reason = "" self._vote_points = 0 self._donation_points = 0 self._maple_points = 0 self._nx_prepaid = 0 self._account_type = 0 self._username = "" self._password = "" self._pic = "" self.init_user_stats() def init_user_stats(self): """Given a dictionary of stats from Swordie's DB we add them to User object's attributes Runs near the end of User::__init__(user_stats, database_config). It assigns the user attributes in user_stats to their respective protected attributes belonging to the User object instance. """ self._id = self._user_stats["id"] self._ban_reason = self._user_stats["banReason"] self._vote_points = self._user_stats["votepoints"] self._donation_points = self._user_stats["donationpoints"] self._maple_points = self._user_stats["maplePoints"] self._nx_prepaid = self._user_stats["nxPrepaid"] self._account_type = self._user_stats["accounttype"] self._username = self._user_stats["name"] self._password = self._user_stats["password"] self._pic = self._user_stats["pic"] @property def user_stats(self): return self._user_stats @property def database_config(self): return self._database_config @property def username(self): return self._username @username.setter def username(self, x): self._username = x self.set_stat_by_column("name", x) @property def password(self): return self._password @property def pic(self): return self._pic @pic.setter def pic(self, x): self._pic = x self.set_stat_by_column("pic", x) @property def user_id(self): return self._id @property def ban_reason(self): return self._ban_reason @ban_reason.setter def ban_reason(self, reason): if len(reason) < 255: self.set_stat_by_column("banReason", reason) self._ban_reason = reason else: print("Ban Reason was too long.") @property def vote_points(self): return self._vote_points @vote_points.setter def vote_points(self, amount): self.set_stat_by_column("votepoints", amount) self._vote_points = amount def add_vote_points(self, amount): """Adds the specified amount to the current VP count Args: amount: Int, representing the number of vote points to be added to the current count """ new_vp = int(amount) + self.vote_points self.vote_points = new_vp @property def donation_points(self): return self._donation_points @donation_points.setter def donation_points(self, amount): self.set_stat_by_column("donationpoints", amount) self._donation_points = amount def add_donation_points(self, amount): """Adds the specified amount to the current DP count Args: amount: Int, representing the number of DPs to be added to the current count """ new_dp = int(amount) + self.donation_points self.donation_points = new_dp @property def maple_points(self): return self._maple_points @maple_points.setter def maple_points(self, amount): self.set_stat_by_column("maplePoints", amount) self._maple_points = amount def add_maple_points(self, amount): """Adds the specified amount to the current Maple Points pool Args: amount: Int, representing the number of Maple Points to be added to the current pool """ new_maple_points = int(amount) + self.maple_points self.maple_points = new_maple_points @property def account_type(self): return self._account_type @account_type.setter def account_type(self, acc_type): self.set_stat_by_column("accounttype", acc_type) self._account_type = acc_type def give_admin(self): """Sets the user account type to: Admin""" self.account_type = 4 def give_intern(self): """Sets the user account type to: Intern""" self.account_type = 3 def give_tester(self): """Sets the user account type to: Tester""" self.account_type = 5 def give_player(self): """Sets the user account type to: Player""" self.account_type = 0 def is_admin(self): """Checks if the user's account type is: Admin (Strictly) Checks if the account type ID associated with the user is 4. Both Int and String types are checked. Returns: Boolean, representing whether user is Admin (True) or not (False) """ return self.account_type == 4 or self.account_type == "4" # A string check just in case def change_password(self, new_pass): """WARNING: UNSAFE! Primitive password change function. It will break in real Swordie-based sources, as Swordie hashes passwords. Note: This is not a safe method to use when changing password as it does not hash the password after changing. Args: new_pass: string, representing the new plaintext password to be set to the database """ self.set_stat_by_column("password", new_pass) def get_acc_type_string(self): """Fetches the account type of the user in words Fetches the account type (Int) from user attributes. Maps the account type to its meaning in words Returns: String, representing account type """ if self.account_type == 4: return "Admin" elif self.account_type == 0: return "Player" elif self.account_type == 3: return "Intern" elif self.account_type == 5: return "Tester" @property def nx_prepaid(self): return self._nx_prepaid @nx_prepaid.setter def nx_prepaid(self, amount): self.set_stat_by_column("nxPrepaid", amount) self._nx_prepaid = amount def add_nx_prepaid(self, amount): """Adds the specified amount to the current NX pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of NX to be added to the NX pool """ new_nx = int(amount) + self.nx_prepaid self.nx_prepaid = new_nx def get_stat_by_column(self, column): """Fetches user attribute by column name Returns: Int or String, representing user attribute queried Raises: Generic error on failure """ try: return self.user_stats[str(column)] except Exception as e: print("[ERROR] Error trying to obtain the given column for table users.", e) def set_stat_by_column(self, column, value): """Sets a user's attributes by column name in database Grabs the database attributes provided through the class constructor. Uses these attributes to attempt a database connection. Attempts to update the field represented by the provided column in the users table, with the provided value. Not recommended to use this alone, as it won't update the user object which this was used from Args: value: int or string, representing the value to be set in the database column: string, representing the column in the database that is to be updated Returns: A boolean representing whether the operation was successful. Raises: SQL Error 2003: Can't cannect to DB WinError 10060: No response from DB List index out of range: Wrong column name """ host = self._database_config["host"] user = self._database_config["user"] password = self._database_config["password"] schema = self._database_config["schema"] port = self._database_config["port"] try: database = con.connect(host=host, user=user, password=password, database=schema, port=port) cursor = database.cursor(dictionary=True) cursor.execute(f"UPDATE users SET {column} = '{value}' WHERE id = '{self.user_id}'") database.commit() print(f"Successfully updated {column} value for user id: {self.user_id}.") self._user_stats[column] = value # Update the stats in the dictionary database.disconnect() return True except Exception as e: print("[ERROR] Error trying to set stats in database.", e) return False
Instance variables
var account_type
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@property def account_type(self): return self._account_type
var ban_reason
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@property def ban_reason(self): return self._ban_reason
var database_config
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@property def database_config(self): return self._database_config
var donation_points
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@property def donation_points(self): return self._donation_points
var maple_points
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@property def maple_points(self): return self._maple_points
var nx_prepaid
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@property def nx_prepaid(self): return self._nx_prepaid
var password
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@property def password(self): return self._password
var pic
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@property def pic(self): return self._pic
var user_id
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@property def user_id(self): return self._id
var user_stats
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@property def user_stats(self): return self._user_stats
var username
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@property def username(self): return self._username
var vote_points
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@property def vote_points(self): return self._vote_points
def add_donation_points(self, amount)
Adds the specified amount to the current DP count
- Int, representing the number of DPs to be added to the current count
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def add_donation_points(self, amount): """Adds the specified amount to the current DP count Args: amount: Int, representing the number of DPs to be added to the current count """ new_dp = int(amount) + self.donation_points self.donation_points = new_dp
def add_maple_points(self, amount)
Adds the specified amount to the current Maple Points pool
- Int, representing the number of Maple Points to be added to the current pool
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def add_maple_points(self, amount): """Adds the specified amount to the current Maple Points pool Args: amount: Int, representing the number of Maple Points to be added to the current pool """ new_maple_points = int(amount) + self.maple_points self.maple_points = new_maple_points
def add_nx_prepaid(self, amount)
Adds the specified amount to the current NX pool
- Int, representing the amount of NX to be added to the NX pool
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def add_nx_prepaid(self, amount): """Adds the specified amount to the current NX pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of NX to be added to the NX pool """ new_nx = int(amount) + self.nx_prepaid self.nx_prepaid = new_nx
def add_vote_points(self, amount)
Adds the specified amount to the current VP count
- Int, representing the number of vote points to be added to the current count
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def add_vote_points(self, amount): """Adds the specified amount to the current VP count Args: amount: Int, representing the number of vote points to be added to the current count """ new_vp = int(amount) + self.vote_points self.vote_points = new_vp
def change_password(self, new_pass)
Primitive password change function. It will break in real Swordie-based sources, as Swordie hashes passwords. Note: This is not a safe method to use when changing password as it does not hash the password after changing.
- string, representing the new plaintext password to be set to the database
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def change_password(self, new_pass): """WARNING: UNSAFE! Primitive password change function. It will break in real Swordie-based sources, as Swordie hashes passwords. Note: This is not a safe method to use when changing password as it does not hash the password after changing. Args: new_pass: string, representing the new plaintext password to be set to the database """ self.set_stat_by_column("password", new_pass)
def get_acc_type_string(self)
Fetches the account type of the user in words
Fetches the account type (Int) from user attributes. Maps the account type to its meaning in words
String, representing account type
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def get_acc_type_string(self): """Fetches the account type of the user in words Fetches the account type (Int) from user attributes. Maps the account type to its meaning in words Returns: String, representing account type """ if self.account_type == 4: return "Admin" elif self.account_type == 0: return "Player" elif self.account_type == 3: return "Intern" elif self.account_type == 5: return "Tester"
def get_stat_by_column(self, column)
Fetches user attribute by column name
Int or String, representing user attribute queried
Generic error on failure
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def get_stat_by_column(self, column): """Fetches user attribute by column name Returns: Int or String, representing user attribute queried Raises: Generic error on failure """ try: return self.user_stats[str(column)] except Exception as e: print("[ERROR] Error trying to obtain the given column for table users.", e)
def give_admin(self)
Sets the user account type to: Admin
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def give_admin(self): """Sets the user account type to: Admin""" self.account_type = 4
def give_intern(self)
Sets the user account type to: Intern
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def give_intern(self): """Sets the user account type to: Intern""" self.account_type = 3
def give_player(self)
Sets the user account type to: Player
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def give_player(self): """Sets the user account type to: Player""" self.account_type = 0
def give_tester(self)
Sets the user account type to: Tester
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def give_tester(self): """Sets the user account type to: Tester""" self.account_type = 5
def init_user_stats(self)
Given a dictionary of stats from Swordie's DB we add them to User object's attributes
Runs near the end of User::init(user_stats, database_config). It assigns the user attributes in user_stats to their respective protected attributes belonging to the User object instance.
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def init_user_stats(self): """Given a dictionary of stats from Swordie's DB we add them to User object's attributes Runs near the end of User::__init__(user_stats, database_config). It assigns the user attributes in user_stats to their respective protected attributes belonging to the User object instance. """ self._id = self._user_stats["id"] self._ban_reason = self._user_stats["banReason"] self._vote_points = self._user_stats["votepoints"] self._donation_points = self._user_stats["donationpoints"] self._maple_points = self._user_stats["maplePoints"] self._nx_prepaid = self._user_stats["nxPrepaid"] self._account_type = self._user_stats["accounttype"] self._username = self._user_stats["name"] self._password = self._user_stats["password"] self._pic = self._user_stats["pic"]
def is_admin(self)
Checks if the user's account type is: Admin (Strictly)
Checks if the account type ID associated with the user is 4. Both Int and String types are checked.
Boolean, representing whether user is Admin (True) or not (False)
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def is_admin(self): """Checks if the user's account type is: Admin (Strictly) Checks if the account type ID associated with the user is 4. Both Int and String types are checked. Returns: Boolean, representing whether user is Admin (True) or not (False) """ return self.account_type == 4 or self.account_type == "4" # A string check just in case
def set_stat_by_column(self, column, value)
Sets a user's attributes by column name in database
Grabs the database attributes provided through the class constructor. Uses these attributes to attempt a database connection. Attempts to update the field represented by the provided column in the users table, with the provided value. Not recommended to use this alone, as it won't update the user object which this was used from
- int or string, representing the value to be set in the database
- string, representing the column in the database that is to be updated
A boolean representing whether the operation was successful.
SQL Error 2003
- Can't cannect to DB
WinError 10060
- No response from DB
List index out
- Wrong column name
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def set_stat_by_column(self, column, value): """Sets a user's attributes by column name in database Grabs the database attributes provided through the class constructor. Uses these attributes to attempt a database connection. Attempts to update the field represented by the provided column in the users table, with the provided value. Not recommended to use this alone, as it won't update the user object which this was used from Args: value: int or string, representing the value to be set in the database column: string, representing the column in the database that is to be updated Returns: A boolean representing whether the operation was successful. Raises: SQL Error 2003: Can't cannect to DB WinError 10060: No response from DB List index out of range: Wrong column name """ host = self._database_config["host"] user = self._database_config["user"] password = self._database_config["password"] schema = self._database_config["schema"] port = self._database_config["port"] try: database = con.connect(host=host, user=user, password=password, database=schema, port=port) cursor = database.cursor(dictionary=True) cursor.execute(f"UPDATE users SET {column} = '{value}' WHERE id = '{self.user_id}'") database.commit() print(f"Successfully updated {column} value for user id: {self.user_id}.") self._user_stats[column] = value # Update the stats in the dictionary database.disconnect() return True except Exception as e: print("[ERROR] Error trying to set stats in database.", e) return False