Module swordie_db.character
This module holds the Character class for the SwordieDB package.
Copyright 2020 TEAM SPIRIT. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. Refer to or the project wiki on GitHub for usage examples.
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"""This module holds the Character class for the SwordieDB package.
Copyright 2020 TEAM SPIRIT. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Refer to or the project wiki on GitHub for usage examples.
import mysql.connector as con
from swordie_db import JOBS
from swordie_db.inventory import Inventory
from swordie_db.user import User
class Character:
"""Character object; models SwordieMS characters.
Using instance method SwordieDB::get_char_by_name(name) will create a Character object instance with
attributes identical to the character with IGN "name" in the connected Swordie-based database.
This class contains the appropriate getter and setter methods for said attributes.
user: User, A User object
stats: Dictionary of all character stats obtained from the characterstats table
level: Integer, representing character level
job: Integer, representing character job ID
name: String, representing character name (aka IGN)
money: String, representing character wealth (aka Meso count)
fame: Integer, representing character popularity
map: String, representing the Map ID of the map that the character is currently in
face: Integer, representing the Face ID of the character
hair: Integer, representing the Hair ID of the character
skin: Integer, representing the Skin ID of the character
exp: String, representing character EXP pool (amount)
strength: Integer, representing character STR stat pool
dex: Integer, representing character DEX stat pool
inte: Integer, representing character INT stat pool
luk: Integer, representing character LUK stat pool
max_hp: Integer, representing character Max HP stat pool
max_mp: Integer, representing character Max MP stat pool
ap: Integer, representing character free Ability Points (AP) pool
sp: Integer, representing character free SP points pool
equip_inv_id: Integer, representing the "equip" inventory id
equipped_inv_id: Integer, representing the "equipped" (i.e. Hotkey "E" in-game) inventory id
consume_inv_id: Integer, representing "consume" (aka USE) inventory id
etc_inv_id: Integer, representing "etc" (aka ETC) inventory id
install_inv_id: Integer, representing "install" (aka SETUP) inventory id
cash_inv_id: Integer, representing "cash" (aka CASH) inventory id
def __init__(self, char_stats, database_config):
"""Emulates how character object is handled server-sided
char_stats: dictionary of character stats, formatted in SwordieMS style
database_config: dictionary of protected attributes from a SwordieDB object
self._stats = char_stats
self._database_config = database_config
self._vague_id = 0
self._character_id = 0
self._character_id_for_log = 0
self._world_id = 0
self._name = ""
self._gender = 0
self._skin = 0
self._face = 0
self._hair = 0
self._mix_base_hair_color = 0
self._mix_add_hair_color = 0
self._mix_hair_base_prob = 0
self._level = 0
self._job = 0
self._strength = 0
self._dex = 0
self._inte = 0
self._luk = 0
self._hp = 0
self._max_hp = 0
self._mp = 0
self._max_mp = 0
self._ap = 0
self._sp = 0
self._exp = 0
self._pop = 0 # fame
self._money = 0
self._wp = 0
self._position_map = 0
self._portal = 0
self._sub_job = 0
# These attributes are separate from characterstats table in database
self._equip_inv_id = 0
self._equipped_inv_id = 0
self._consume_inv_id = 0
self._etc_inv_id = 0
self._install_inv_id = 0
self._cash_inv_id = 0
self._inventory = None
# Create Inventory object instance via class constructor, using details from Character object instance
# Create User object instance via class constructor, using details from Character object instance
self._user = self.init_user()
def init_stats(self):
"""Given a dictionary of stats from Swordie's DB we add them to Character object's attributes
Runs near the end of Character::__init__(char_stats, database_config).
It assigns the character attributes in char_stats to their respective protected attributes belonging to
the Character object instance.
self._vague_id = self._stats["id"]
self._character_id = self._stats["characterid"]
self._character_id_for_log = self._stats["characteridforlog"]
self._world_id = self._stats["worldidforlog"]
self._name = self._stats["name"]
self._gender = self._stats["gender"]
self._skin = self._stats["skin"]
self._face = self._stats["face"]
self._hair = self._stats["hair"]
self._mix_base_hair_color = self._stats["mixbasehaircolor"]
self._mix_add_hair_color = self._stats["mixaddhaircolor"]
self._mix_hair_base_prob = self._stats["mixhairbaseprob"]
self._level = self._stats["level"]
self._job = self._stats["job"]
self._strength = self._stats["str"]
self._dex = self._stats["dex"]
self._inte = self._stats["inte"]
self._luk = self._stats["luk"]
self._hp = self._stats["hp"]
self._max_hp = self._stats["maxhp"]
self._mp = self._stats["mp"]
self._max_mp = self._stats["maxmp"]
self._ap = self._stats["ap"]
self._sp = self._stats["sp"]
self._exp = self._stats["exp"]
self._pop = self._stats["pop"] # fame
self._money = self._stats["money"]
self._wp = self._stats["wp"]
self._position_map = self._stats["posmap"]
self._portal = self._stats["portal"]
self._sub_job = self._stats["subjob"]
def init_user(self):
"""Fetch a dictionary of user attributes from Swordie's DB and use it to instantiate a new User object
Runs at the end of Character::__init__(char_stats, database_config).
Checks the User ID associated with the character instance, and uses the User class constructor to create
a new User object instance, with the relevant user attributes from the database.
User object with attributes identical to its corresponding entry in the database
Generic error on failure - handled by the Character::get_db() method
user_id = self.get_user_id()
user_stats = self.get_db(
f"SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '{user_id}'"
) # The row will always be 0 because there should be no characters with the same name
user = User(user_stats, self.database_config)
return user
def init_inv_id(self):
"""Fetch a dictionary of user attributes from Swordie's DB and use it to instantiate a new (custom) Inventory object
(Stipulated algorithm for unfinished sequence)
Runs near the end of Character::__init__(char_stats, database_config).
Uses the Character ID associated with the character instance, and the Inventory class constructor to create
a new Inventory object instance, with the relevant character attributes from the database.
Generic error on failure - handled by the Character::get_db() method
inventory_ids = self.get_db(
f"SELECT equippedinventory, equipinventory, consumeinventory, etcinventory, installinventory, cashinventory "
f"FROM characters WHERE id = '{self.character_id}'"
) # The row will always be 0 because there should be no characters with the same ID
self._equip_inv_id = inventory_ids["equipinventory"]
self._equipped_inv_id = inventory_ids["equippedinventory"]
self._consume_inv_id = inventory_ids["consumeinventory"]
self._etc_inv_id = inventory_ids["etcinventory"]
self._install_inv_id = inventory_ids["installinventory"]
self._cash_inv_id = inventory_ids["cashinventory"]
self._inventory = Inventory(self.get_inventory_ids(), self.database_config)
# Static method for fetching DB
def get_db(config, query):
"""Generic static method for fetching data from DB using the provided DB config and query
This method assumes that only one character is found - it always defaults to the first result.
An effort has been made to convert this to a decorator so that it may also be applied to
Character::set_stat_by_column() & Character::get_user_id(), which ultimately ended in failure.
config, dictionary, representing database config attributes
query, String, representing SQL query
String representing the result of the provided SQL query, using the provided DB connection attributes
database = con.connect(
cursor = database.cursor(dictionary=True)
data = cursor.fetchall()[0]
return data
except Exception as e:
print("CRITICAL: Error encountered whilst attempting to connect to the database! \n", e)
def database_config(self):
return self._database_config
def stats(self):
return self._stats
def character_id(self):
return self._character_id
def level(self):
return self._level
def level(self, x):
self.set_stat_by_column("level", x)
self._level = x
def add_level(self, amount):
"""Adds the specified amount to the current level count
amount: Int, representing the number of levels to be added to the current count
new_level = int(self.level) + amount
self.level = new_level
def job(self):
return self._job
def job(self, job_id):
self.set_stat_by_column("job", job_id)
self._job = job_id
def get_job_name(self):
"""Returns the actual name of the job from job id
String, representing the job name corresponding to a job ID
return JOBS[str(self.job)]
def get_gender_name(self):
if self._gender == 0:
return "Male"
return "Female"
def name(self):
return self._name
def name(self, new_name):
"""Set a new name for the character
new_name: string, representing the new character name that will be set in the database
self.set_stat_by_column("name", new_name)
self._name = new_name
def money(self):
return self._money
def money(self, amount):
self.set_stat_by_column("money", amount)
self._money = amount
def add_mesos(self, amount):
"""Adds the specified amount to the current meso count
amount: Int, representing the amount of mesos to be added to the current count
new_amount = int( + amount = str(new_amount) # money is a String; converting back to String for consistency
def fame(self):
return self._pop
def fame(self, amount):
self.set_stat_by_column("pop", amount)
self._pop = amount
def add_fame(self, amount):
"""Adds the specified amount to the current fame count
amount: Int, representing the number of fames to be added to the current count
new_fame = int(self.fame) + amount
self.fame = new_fame
def map(self):
return self._position_map
def map(self, map_id):
self.set_stat_by_column("posmap", map_id)
self._position_map = map_id
def face(self):
return self._face
def face(self, face_id):
self.set_stat_by_column("face", face_id)
self._face = face_id
def hair(self):
return self._hair
def hair(self, hair_id):
self.set_stat_by_column("hair", hair_id)
self._hair = hair_id
def skin(self):
return self._skin
def skin(self, skin_id):
self.set_stat_by_column("skin", skin_id)
self._skin = skin_id
def exp(self):
return self._exp
def exp(self, exp_amount):
self.set_stat_by_column("exp", exp_amount)
self._exp = exp_amount
def add_exp(self, amount):
"""Add the specified amount to the current existing EXP pool
amount: Int, representing the amount of EXP to be added to the current pool
new_exp = int(self.exp) + amount
self.exp = str(new_exp) # EXP is a String; converting back to String for consistency
def strength(self):
return self._strength
def strength(self, amount):
self.set_stat_by_column("str", amount)
self._strength = amount
def add_str(self, amount):
"""Add the specified amount to the current existing STR pool
amount: Int, representing the amount of STR to be added to the current pool
new_str = int(self.strength) + amount
self.strength = new_str
def dex(self):
return self._dex
def dex(self, amount):
self.set_stat_by_column("dex", amount)
self._dex = amount
def add_dex(self, amount):
"""Add the specified amount to the current existing DEX pool
amount: Int, representing the amount of DEX to be added to the current pool
new_dex = int(self.dex) + amount
self.dex = new_dex
def inte(self):
return self._inte
def inte(self, amount):
self.set_stat_by_column("inte", amount)
self._inte = amount
def add_inte(self, amount):
"""Add the specified amount to the current existing INT pool
amount: Int, representing the amount of INT to be added to the current pool
new_inte = int(self.inte) + amount
self.inte = new_inte
def luk(self):
return self._luk
def luk(self, amount):
self.set_stat_by_column("luk", amount)
self._luk = amount
def add_luk(self, amount):
"""Add the specified amount to the current existing LUK pool
amount: Int, representing the amount of LUK to be added to the current pool
new_luk = int(self.luk) + amount
self.luk = new_luk
def get_primary_stats(self):
"""Returns str, int, dex, luk values in a dictionary
dictionary of primary stats
primary_stats = {
"str": self.strength,
"dex": self.dex,
"int": self.inte,
"luk": self.luk
return primary_stats
def get_inventory_ids(self):
"""Returns equip_inv_id, equipped_inv_id, consume_inv_id, etc_inv_id, install_inv_id, cash_inv_id in a dict
dictionary of all inventory ids from corresponding character
inventory_ids = {
"equip_inv_id": self.equip_inv_id,
"equipped_inv_id": self.equipped_inv_id,
"consume_inv_id": self.consume_inv_id,
"etc_inv_id": self.etc_inv_id,
"install_inv_id": self.install_inv_id,
"cash_inv_id": self.cash_inv_id
return inventory_ids
def max_hp(self):
return self._max_hp
def max_hp(self, amount):
self.set_stat_by_column("maxhp", amount)
self._max_hp = amount
def add_max_hp(self, amount):
"""Add the specified amount to the current existing Max HP pool
amount: Int, representing the amount of Max HP to be added to the current pool
new_hp = int(self.max_hp) + amount
self.max_hp = new_hp
def max_mp(self):
return self._max_mp
def max_mp(self, amount):
self.set_stat_by_column("maxmp", amount)
self._max_mp = amount
def add_max_mp(self, amount):
"""Add the specified amount to the current existing Max MP pool
amount: Int, representing the amount of max MP to be added to the current pool
new_mp = int(self.max_mp) + amount
self.max_mp = new_mp
def ap(self):
return self._ap
def ap(self, amount):
self.set_stat_by_column("ap", amount)
self._ap = amount
def add_ap(self, amount):
"""Add the specified amount to the current existing free AP pool
amount: Int, representing the amount of free AP to be added to the current pool
new_ap = int(self.ap) + amount
self.ap = new_ap
def sp(self):
return self._sp
def sp(self, amount):
self.set_stat_by_column("sp", amount)
self._sp = amount
def add_sp(self, amount):
"""Add the specified amount to the current existing free SP pool
amount: Int, representing the amount of free SP to be added to the current pool
new_sp = int(self.sp) + amount
self.sp = new_sp
def user(self):
return self._user
def equipped_inv_id(self):
return self._equipped_inv_id
def consume_inv_id(self):
return self._consume_inv_id
def etc_inv_id(self):
return self._etc_inv_id
def install_inv_id(self):
return self._install_inv_id
def cash_inv_id(self):
return self._cash_inv_id
def equip_inv_id(self):
return self._equip_inv_id
def inventory(self):
return self._inventory
def get_char_img(self):
equipped_items = [self.face,]
equipped_inv = self.inventory.equipped_inv
for item in equipped_inv:
item_id = equipped_inv[item]["itemid"]
url = f"{}/{str(equipped_items)[1:-1]}/stand1/1".replace(" ", "")
return url
def get_user_id_by_name(config, char_name):
"""Given a character name, retrieve its corresponding user id from database
Used by Character::get_user_id() & SwordieDB::get_user_id_by_name()
There is no direct way of obtaining this information.
Hence, this method will fetch the character ID from the database, using the character name.
Then, fetch the account ID from the database, using the character ID.
Then, fetch the user ID from the database, using the account ID.
config: dictionary, representing database config attributes
char_name: string, representing the character name in the database
String, representing the user ID in the database
Defaults to None if the operation fails.
SQL Error 2003: Can't cannect to DB
WinError 10060: No response from DB
List index out of range: Wrong character name
database = con.connect(
cursor = database.cursor(dictionary=True)
cursor.execute(f"SELECT characterid FROM characterstats WHERE name = '{char_name}'")
char_id = cursor.fetchall()[0]["characterid"]
cursor.execute(f"SELECT accid FROM characters WHERE id = '{char_id}'")
account_id = cursor.fetchall()[0]["accid"]
cursor.execute(f"SELECT userid FROM accounts WHERE id = '{account_id}'")
user_id = cursor.fetchall()[0]["userid"]
return user_id
except Exception as e:
print("[ERROR] Error trying to get user id from database.", e)
return None # Return None if there was an error
def get_user_id(self):
"""Queries the database to obtain the User ID associated with this character instance
Uses static method Character::get_user_id_by_name() for core logic
Int, representing the User ID
Returns None if User ID is not found
Errors are handled and thrown by Character::get_user_id_by_name()
SQL Error 2003: Can't cannect to DB
WinError 10060: No response from DB
List index out of range: Wrong character name
return self.get_user_id_by_name(self._database_config, self._name)
def set_stat_by_column(self, column, value):
"""Update a character's stats from column name in database
Grabs the database attributes provided through the class constructor.
Uses these attributes to attempt a database connection.
Attempts to update the field represented by the provided column in characterstats, with the provided value.
Not recommended to use this alone, as it won't update the character object which this was used from.
value: int or string, representing the value to be set in the database
column: string, representing the column in the database that is to be updated
A boolean representing whether the operation was successful
SQL Error 2003: Can't cannect to DB
WinError 10060: No response from DB
List index out of range: Wrong column name
host = self._database_config["host"]
user = self._database_config["user"]
password = self._database_config["password"]
schema = self._database_config["schema"]
port = self._database_config["port"]
database = con.connect(host=host, user=user, password=password, database=schema, port=port)
cursor = database.cursor(dictionary=True)
cursor.execute(f"UPDATE characterstats SET {column} = '{value}' WHERE name = '{}'")
print(f"Successfully updated {column} value for character: {}.")
self._stats[column] = value # Update the stats in the dictionary
return True
except Exception as e:
print("[ERROR] Error trying to set stats in database.", e)
return False
def get_stat_by_column(self, column):
"""Given a column name, return its value in the database
column: string, representing the column in the database from which the value is to be fetched from
string, representing the value in the database associated with the provided column
Generic error on failure
return self.stats[column]
except Exception as e:
print("[ERROR] Error trying to get stats from given column.", e)
return False
class Character (char_stats, database_config)
Character object; models SwordieMS characters.
Using instance method SwordieDB::get_char_by_name(name) will create a Character object instance with attributes identical to the character with IGN "name" in the connected Swordie-based database. This class contains the appropriate getter and setter methods for said attributes.
- User, A User object
- Dictionary of all character stats obtained from the characterstats table
- Integer, representing character level
- Integer, representing character job ID
- String, representing character name (aka IGN)
- String, representing character wealth (aka Meso count)
- Integer, representing character popularity
- String, representing the Map ID of the map that the character is currently in
- Integer, representing the Face ID of the character
- Integer, representing the Hair ID of the character
- Integer, representing the Skin ID of the character
- String, representing character EXP pool (amount)
- Integer, representing character STR stat pool
- Integer, representing character DEX stat pool
- Integer, representing character INT stat pool
- Integer, representing character LUK stat pool
- Integer, representing character Max HP stat pool
- Integer, representing character Max MP stat pool
- Integer, representing character free Ability Points (AP) pool
- Integer, representing character free SP points pool
- Integer, representing the "equip" inventory id
- Integer, representing the "equipped" (i.e. Hotkey "E" in-game) inventory id
- Integer, representing "consume" (aka USE) inventory id
- Integer, representing "etc" (aka ETC) inventory id
- Integer, representing "install" (aka SETUP) inventory id
- Integer, representing "cash" (aka CASH) inventory id
Emulates how character object is handled server-sided
- dictionary of character stats, formatted in SwordieMS style
- dictionary of protected attributes from a SwordieDB object
Expand source code
class Character: """Character object; models SwordieMS characters. Using instance method SwordieDB::get_char_by_name(name) will create a Character object instance with attributes identical to the character with IGN "name" in the connected Swordie-based database. This class contains the appropriate getter and setter methods for said attributes. Attributes: user: User, A User object stats: Dictionary of all character stats obtained from the characterstats table level: Integer, representing character level job: Integer, representing character job ID name: String, representing character name (aka IGN) money: String, representing character wealth (aka Meso count) fame: Integer, representing character popularity map: String, representing the Map ID of the map that the character is currently in face: Integer, representing the Face ID of the character hair: Integer, representing the Hair ID of the character skin: Integer, representing the Skin ID of the character exp: String, representing character EXP pool (amount) strength: Integer, representing character STR stat pool dex: Integer, representing character DEX stat pool inte: Integer, representing character INT stat pool luk: Integer, representing character LUK stat pool max_hp: Integer, representing character Max HP stat pool max_mp: Integer, representing character Max MP stat pool ap: Integer, representing character free Ability Points (AP) pool sp: Integer, representing character free SP points pool equip_inv_id: Integer, representing the "equip" inventory id equipped_inv_id: Integer, representing the "equipped" (i.e. Hotkey "E" in-game) inventory id consume_inv_id: Integer, representing "consume" (aka USE) inventory id etc_inv_id: Integer, representing "etc" (aka ETC) inventory id install_inv_id: Integer, representing "install" (aka SETUP) inventory id cash_inv_id: Integer, representing "cash" (aka CASH) inventory id """ def __init__(self, char_stats, database_config): """Emulates how character object is handled server-sided Args: char_stats: dictionary of character stats, formatted in SwordieMS style database_config: dictionary of protected attributes from a SwordieDB object """ self._stats = char_stats self._database_config = database_config self._vague_id = 0 self._character_id = 0 self._character_id_for_log = 0 self._world_id = 0 self._name = "" self._gender = 0 self._skin = 0 self._face = 0 self._hair = 0 self._mix_base_hair_color = 0 self._mix_add_hair_color = 0 self._mix_hair_base_prob = 0 self._level = 0 self._job = 0 self._strength = 0 self._dex = 0 self._inte = 0 self._luk = 0 self._hp = 0 self._max_hp = 0 self._mp = 0 self._max_mp = 0 self._ap = 0 self._sp = 0 self._exp = 0 self._pop = 0 # fame self._money = 0 self._wp = 0 self._position_map = 0 self._portal = 0 self._sub_job = 0 self.init_stats() # These attributes are separate from characterstats table in database self._equip_inv_id = 0 self._equipped_inv_id = 0 self._consume_inv_id = 0 self._etc_inv_id = 0 self._install_inv_id = 0 self._cash_inv_id = 0 self._inventory = None # Create Inventory object instance via class constructor, using details from Character object instance self.init_inv_id() # Create User object instance via class constructor, using details from Character object instance self._user = self.init_user() def init_stats(self): """Given a dictionary of stats from Swordie's DB we add them to Character object's attributes Runs near the end of Character::__init__(char_stats, database_config). It assigns the character attributes in char_stats to their respective protected attributes belonging to the Character object instance. """ self._vague_id = self._stats["id"] self._character_id = self._stats["characterid"] self._character_id_for_log = self._stats["characteridforlog"] self._world_id = self._stats["worldidforlog"] self._name = self._stats["name"] self._gender = self._stats["gender"] self._skin = self._stats["skin"] self._face = self._stats["face"] self._hair = self._stats["hair"] self._mix_base_hair_color = self._stats["mixbasehaircolor"] self._mix_add_hair_color = self._stats["mixaddhaircolor"] self._mix_hair_base_prob = self._stats["mixhairbaseprob"] self._level = self._stats["level"] self._job = self._stats["job"] self._strength = self._stats["str"] self._dex = self._stats["dex"] self._inte = self._stats["inte"] self._luk = self._stats["luk"] self._hp = self._stats["hp"] self._max_hp = self._stats["maxhp"] self._mp = self._stats["mp"] self._max_mp = self._stats["maxmp"] self._ap = self._stats["ap"] self._sp = self._stats["sp"] self._exp = self._stats["exp"] self._pop = self._stats["pop"] # fame self._money = self._stats["money"] self._wp = self._stats["wp"] self._position_map = self._stats["posmap"] self._portal = self._stats["portal"] self._sub_job = self._stats["subjob"] def init_user(self): """Fetch a dictionary of user attributes from Swordie's DB and use it to instantiate a new User object Runs at the end of Character::__init__(char_stats, database_config). Checks the User ID associated with the character instance, and uses the User class constructor to create a new User object instance, with the relevant user attributes from the database. Returns: User object with attributes identical to its corresponding entry in the database Raises: Generic error on failure - handled by the Character::get_db() method """ user_id = self.get_user_id() user_stats = self.get_db( self._database_config, f"SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '{user_id}'" ) # The row will always be 0 because there should be no characters with the same name user = User(user_stats, self.database_config) return user def init_inv_id(self): """Fetch a dictionary of user attributes from Swordie's DB and use it to instantiate a new (custom) Inventory object (Stipulated algorithm for unfinished sequence) Runs near the end of Character::__init__(char_stats, database_config). Uses the Character ID associated with the character instance, and the Inventory class constructor to create a new Inventory object instance, with the relevant character attributes from the database. Raises: Generic error on failure - handled by the Character::get_db() method """ inventory_ids = self.get_db( self._database_config, f"SELECT equippedinventory, equipinventory, consumeinventory, etcinventory, installinventory, cashinventory " f"FROM characters WHERE id = '{self.character_id}'" ) # The row will always be 0 because there should be no characters with the same ID self._equip_inv_id = inventory_ids["equipinventory"] self._equipped_inv_id = inventory_ids["equippedinventory"] self._consume_inv_id = inventory_ids["consumeinventory"] self._etc_inv_id = inventory_ids["etcinventory"] self._install_inv_id = inventory_ids["installinventory"] self._cash_inv_id = inventory_ids["cashinventory"] self._inventory = Inventory(self.get_inventory_ids(), self.database_config) # Static method for fetching DB @staticmethod def get_db(config, query): """Generic static method for fetching data from DB using the provided DB config and query This method assumes that only one character is found - it always defaults to the first result. An effort has been made to convert this to a decorator so that it may also be applied to Character::set_stat_by_column() & Character::get_user_id(), which ultimately ended in failure. Args: config, dictionary, representing database config attributes query, String, representing SQL query Returns: String representing the result of the provided SQL query, using the provided DB connection attributes """ try: database = con.connect( host=config["host"], user=config["user"], password=config["password"], database=config["schema"], port=config["port"] ) cursor = database.cursor(dictionary=True) cursor.execute(query) data = cursor.fetchall()[0] database.disconnect() return data except Exception as e: print("CRITICAL: Error encountered whilst attempting to connect to the database! \n", e) @property def database_config(self): return self._database_config @property def stats(self): return self._stats @property def character_id(self): return self._character_id @property def level(self): return self._level @level.setter def level(self, x): self.set_stat_by_column("level", x) self._level = x def add_level(self, amount): """Adds the specified amount to the current level count Args: amount: Int, representing the number of levels to be added to the current count """ new_level = int(self.level) + amount self.level = new_level @property def job(self): return self._job @job.setter def job(self, job_id): self.set_stat_by_column("job", job_id) self._job = job_id def get_job_name(self): """Returns the actual name of the job from job id Returns: String, representing the job name corresponding to a job ID """ return JOBS[str(self.job)] def get_gender_name(self): if self._gender == 0: return "Male" return "Female" @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, new_name): """Set a new name for the character Args: new_name: string, representing the new character name that will be set in the database """ self.set_stat_by_column("name", new_name) self._name = new_name @property def money(self): return self._money @money.setter def money(self, amount): self.set_stat_by_column("money", amount) self._money = amount def add_mesos(self, amount): """Adds the specified amount to the current meso count Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of mesos to be added to the current count """ new_amount = int( + amount = str(new_amount) # money is a String; converting back to String for consistency @property def fame(self): return self._pop @fame.setter def fame(self, amount): self.set_stat_by_column("pop", amount) self._pop = amount def add_fame(self, amount): """Adds the specified amount to the current fame count Args: amount: Int, representing the number of fames to be added to the current count """ new_fame = int(self.fame) + amount self.fame = new_fame @property def map(self): return self._position_map @map.setter def map(self, map_id): self.set_stat_by_column("posmap", map_id) self._position_map = map_id @property def face(self): return self._face @face.setter def face(self, face_id): self.set_stat_by_column("face", face_id) self._face = face_id @property def hair(self): return self._hair @hair.setter def hair(self, hair_id): self.set_stat_by_column("hair", hair_id) self._hair = hair_id @property def skin(self): return self._skin @skin.setter def skin(self, skin_id): self.set_stat_by_column("skin", skin_id) self._skin = skin_id @property def exp(self): return self._exp @exp.setter def exp(self, exp_amount): self.set_stat_by_column("exp", exp_amount) self._exp = exp_amount def add_exp(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing EXP pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of EXP to be added to the current pool """ new_exp = int(self.exp) + amount self.exp = str(new_exp) # EXP is a String; converting back to String for consistency @property def strength(self): return self._strength @strength.setter def strength(self, amount): self.set_stat_by_column("str", amount) self._strength = amount def add_str(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing STR pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of STR to be added to the current pool """ new_str = int(self.strength) + amount self.strength = new_str @property def dex(self): return self._dex @dex.setter def dex(self, amount): self.set_stat_by_column("dex", amount) self._dex = amount def add_dex(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing DEX pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of DEX to be added to the current pool """ new_dex = int(self.dex) + amount self.dex = new_dex @property def inte(self): return self._inte @inte.setter def inte(self, amount): self.set_stat_by_column("inte", amount) self._inte = amount def add_inte(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing INT pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of INT to be added to the current pool """ new_inte = int(self.inte) + amount self.inte = new_inte @property def luk(self): return self._luk @luk.setter def luk(self, amount): self.set_stat_by_column("luk", amount) self._luk = amount def add_luk(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing LUK pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of LUK to be added to the current pool """ new_luk = int(self.luk) + amount self.luk = new_luk def get_primary_stats(self): """Returns str, int, dex, luk values in a dictionary Returns: dictionary of primary stats """ primary_stats = { "str": self.strength, "dex": self.dex, "int": self.inte, "luk": self.luk } return primary_stats def get_inventory_ids(self): """Returns equip_inv_id, equipped_inv_id, consume_inv_id, etc_inv_id, install_inv_id, cash_inv_id in a dict Returns: dictionary of all inventory ids from corresponding character """ inventory_ids = { "equip_inv_id": self.equip_inv_id, "equipped_inv_id": self.equipped_inv_id, "consume_inv_id": self.consume_inv_id, "etc_inv_id": self.etc_inv_id, "install_inv_id": self.install_inv_id, "cash_inv_id": self.cash_inv_id } return inventory_ids @property def max_hp(self): return self._max_hp @max_hp.setter def max_hp(self, amount): self.set_stat_by_column("maxhp", amount) self._max_hp = amount def add_max_hp(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing Max HP pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of Max HP to be added to the current pool """ new_hp = int(self.max_hp) + amount self.max_hp = new_hp @property def max_mp(self): return self._max_mp @max_mp.setter def max_mp(self, amount): self.set_stat_by_column("maxmp", amount) self._max_mp = amount def add_max_mp(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing Max MP pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of max MP to be added to the current pool """ new_mp = int(self.max_mp) + amount self.max_mp = new_mp @property def ap(self): return self._ap @ap.setter def ap(self, amount): self.set_stat_by_column("ap", amount) self._ap = amount def add_ap(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing free AP pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of free AP to be added to the current pool """ new_ap = int(self.ap) + amount self.ap = new_ap @property def sp(self): return self._sp @sp.setter def sp(self, amount): self.set_stat_by_column("sp", amount) self._sp = amount def add_sp(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing free SP pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of free SP to be added to the current pool """ new_sp = int(self.sp) + amount self.sp = new_sp @property def user(self): return self._user @property def equipped_inv_id(self): return self._equipped_inv_id @property def consume_inv_id(self): return self._consume_inv_id @property def etc_inv_id(self): return self._etc_inv_id @property def install_inv_id(self): return self._install_inv_id @property def cash_inv_id(self): return self._cash_inv_id @property def equip_inv_id(self): return self._equip_inv_id @property def inventory(self): return self._inventory def get_char_img(self): equipped_items = [self.face,] equipped_inv = self.inventory.equipped_inv for item in equipped_inv: item_id = equipped_inv[item]["itemid"] equipped_items.append(item_id) url = f"{}/{str(equipped_items)[1:-1]}/stand1/1".replace(" ", "") return url @staticmethod def get_user_id_by_name(config, char_name): """Given a character name, retrieve its corresponding user id from database Used by Character::get_user_id() & SwordieDB::get_user_id_by_name() There is no direct way of obtaining this information. Hence, this method will fetch the character ID from the database, using the character name. Then, fetch the account ID from the database, using the character ID. Then, fetch the user ID from the database, using the account ID. Args: config: dictionary, representing database config attributes char_name: string, representing the character name in the database Returns: String, representing the user ID in the database Defaults to None if the operation fails. Raises: SQL Error 2003: Can't cannect to DB WinError 10060: No response from DB List index out of range: Wrong character name """ try: database = con.connect( host=config["host"], user=config["user"], password=config["password"], database=config["schema"], port=config["port"] ) cursor = database.cursor(dictionary=True) cursor.execute(f"SELECT characterid FROM characterstats WHERE name = '{char_name}'") char_id = cursor.fetchall()[0]["characterid"] cursor.execute(f"SELECT accid FROM characters WHERE id = '{char_id}'") account_id = cursor.fetchall()[0]["accid"] cursor.execute(f"SELECT userid FROM accounts WHERE id = '{account_id}'") user_id = cursor.fetchall()[0]["userid"] database.disconnect() return user_id except Exception as e: print("[ERROR] Error trying to get user id from database.", e) return None # Return None if there was an error def get_user_id(self): """Queries the database to obtain the User ID associated with this character instance Uses static method Character::get_user_id_by_name() for core logic Returns: Int, representing the User ID Returns None if User ID is not found Raises: Errors are handled and thrown by Character::get_user_id_by_name() SQL Error 2003: Can't cannect to DB WinError 10060: No response from DB List index out of range: Wrong character name """ return self.get_user_id_by_name(self._database_config, self._name) def set_stat_by_column(self, column, value): """Update a character's stats from column name in database Grabs the database attributes provided through the class constructor. Uses these attributes to attempt a database connection. Attempts to update the field represented by the provided column in characterstats, with the provided value. Not recommended to use this alone, as it won't update the character object which this was used from. Args: value: int or string, representing the value to be set in the database column: string, representing the column in the database that is to be updated Returns: A boolean representing whether the operation was successful Raises: SQL Error 2003: Can't cannect to DB WinError 10060: No response from DB List index out of range: Wrong column name """ host = self._database_config["host"] user = self._database_config["user"] password = self._database_config["password"] schema = self._database_config["schema"] port = self._database_config["port"] try: database = con.connect(host=host, user=user, password=password, database=schema, port=port) cursor = database.cursor(dictionary=True) cursor.execute(f"UPDATE characterstats SET {column} = '{value}' WHERE name = '{}'") database.commit() print(f"Successfully updated {column} value for character: {}.") self._stats[column] = value # Update the stats in the dictionary database.disconnect() return True except Exception as e: print("[ERROR] Error trying to set stats in database.", e) return False def get_stat_by_column(self, column): """Given a column name, return its value in the database Args: column: string, representing the column in the database from which the value is to be fetched from Returns: string, representing the value in the database associated with the provided column Raises: Generic error on failure """ try: return self.stats[column] except Exception as e: print("[ERROR] Error trying to get stats from given column.", e) return False
Static methods
def get_db(config, query)
Generic static method for fetching data from DB using the provided DB config and query
This method assumes that only one character is found - it always defaults to the first result. An effort has been made to convert this to a decorator so that it may also be applied to Character::set_stat_by_column() & Character::get_user_id(), which ultimately ended in failure.
config, dictionary, representing database config attributes query, String, representing SQL query
String representing the result of the provided SQL query, using the provided DB connection attributes
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@staticmethod def get_db(config, query): """Generic static method for fetching data from DB using the provided DB config and query This method assumes that only one character is found - it always defaults to the first result. An effort has been made to convert this to a decorator so that it may also be applied to Character::set_stat_by_column() & Character::get_user_id(), which ultimately ended in failure. Args: config, dictionary, representing database config attributes query, String, representing SQL query Returns: String representing the result of the provided SQL query, using the provided DB connection attributes """ try: database = con.connect( host=config["host"], user=config["user"], password=config["password"], database=config["schema"], port=config["port"] ) cursor = database.cursor(dictionary=True) cursor.execute(query) data = cursor.fetchall()[0] database.disconnect() return data except Exception as e: print("CRITICAL: Error encountered whilst attempting to connect to the database! \n", e)
def get_user_id_by_name(config, char_name)
Given a character name, retrieve its corresponding user id from database
Used by Character::get_user_id() & SwordieDB::get_user_id_by_name() There is no direct way of obtaining this information. Hence, this method will fetch the character ID from the database, using the character name. Then, fetch the account ID from the database, using the character ID. Then, fetch the user ID from the database, using the account ID.
- dictionary, representing database config attributes
- string, representing the character name in the database
String, representing the user ID in the database Defaults to None if the operation fails.
SQL Error 2003
- Can't cannect to DB
WinError 10060
- No response from DB
List index out
- Wrong character name
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@staticmethod def get_user_id_by_name(config, char_name): """Given a character name, retrieve its corresponding user id from database Used by Character::get_user_id() & SwordieDB::get_user_id_by_name() There is no direct way of obtaining this information. Hence, this method will fetch the character ID from the database, using the character name. Then, fetch the account ID from the database, using the character ID. Then, fetch the user ID from the database, using the account ID. Args: config: dictionary, representing database config attributes char_name: string, representing the character name in the database Returns: String, representing the user ID in the database Defaults to None if the operation fails. Raises: SQL Error 2003: Can't cannect to DB WinError 10060: No response from DB List index out of range: Wrong character name """ try: database = con.connect( host=config["host"], user=config["user"], password=config["password"], database=config["schema"], port=config["port"] ) cursor = database.cursor(dictionary=True) cursor.execute(f"SELECT characterid FROM characterstats WHERE name = '{char_name}'") char_id = cursor.fetchall()[0]["characterid"] cursor.execute(f"SELECT accid FROM characters WHERE id = '{char_id}'") account_id = cursor.fetchall()[0]["accid"] cursor.execute(f"SELECT userid FROM accounts WHERE id = '{account_id}'") user_id = cursor.fetchall()[0]["userid"] database.disconnect() return user_id except Exception as e: print("[ERROR] Error trying to get user id from database.", e) return None # Return None if there was an error
Instance variables
var ap
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@property def ap(self): return self._ap
var cash_inv_id
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@property def cash_inv_id(self): return self._cash_inv_id
var character_id
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@property def character_id(self): return self._character_id
var consume_inv_id
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@property def consume_inv_id(self): return self._consume_inv_id
var database_config
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@property def database_config(self): return self._database_config
var dex
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@property def dex(self): return self._dex
var equip_inv_id
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@property def equip_inv_id(self): return self._equip_inv_id
var equipped_inv_id
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@property def equipped_inv_id(self): return self._equipped_inv_id
var etc_inv_id
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@property def etc_inv_id(self): return self._etc_inv_id
var exp
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@property def exp(self): return self._exp
var face
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@property def face(self): return self._face
var fame
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@property def fame(self): return self._pop
var hair
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@property def hair(self): return self._hair
var install_inv_id
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@property def install_inv_id(self): return self._install_inv_id
var inte
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@property def inte(self): return self._inte
var inventory
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@property def inventory(self): return self._inventory
var job
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@property def job(self): return self._job
var level
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@property def level(self): return self._level
var luk
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@property def luk(self): return self._luk
var map
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@property def map(self): return self._position_map
var max_hp
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@property def max_hp(self): return self._max_hp
var max_mp
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@property def max_mp(self): return self._max_mp
var money
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@property def money(self): return self._money
var name
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@property def name(self): return self._name
var skin
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@property def skin(self): return self._skin
var sp
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@property def sp(self): return self._sp
var stats
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@property def stats(self): return self._stats
var strength
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@property def strength(self): return self._strength
var user
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@property def user(self): return self._user
def add_ap(self, amount)
Add the specified amount to the current existing free AP pool
- Int, representing the amount of free AP to be added to the current pool
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def add_ap(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing free AP pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of free AP to be added to the current pool """ new_ap = int(self.ap) + amount self.ap = new_ap
def add_dex(self, amount)
Add the specified amount to the current existing DEX pool
- Int, representing the amount of DEX to be added to the current pool
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def add_dex(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing DEX pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of DEX to be added to the current pool """ new_dex = int(self.dex) + amount self.dex = new_dex
def add_exp(self, amount)
Add the specified amount to the current existing EXP pool
- Int, representing the amount of EXP to be added to the current pool
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def add_exp(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing EXP pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of EXP to be added to the current pool """ new_exp = int(self.exp) + amount self.exp = str(new_exp) # EXP is a String; converting back to String for consistency
def add_fame(self, amount)
Adds the specified amount to the current fame count
- Int, representing the number of fames to be added to the current count
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def add_fame(self, amount): """Adds the specified amount to the current fame count Args: amount: Int, representing the number of fames to be added to the current count """ new_fame = int(self.fame) + amount self.fame = new_fame
def add_inte(self, amount)
Add the specified amount to the current existing INT pool
- Int, representing the amount of INT to be added to the current pool
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def add_inte(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing INT pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of INT to be added to the current pool """ new_inte = int(self.inte) + amount self.inte = new_inte
def add_level(self, amount)
Adds the specified amount to the current level count
- Int, representing the number of levels to be added to the current count
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def add_level(self, amount): """Adds the specified amount to the current level count Args: amount: Int, representing the number of levels to be added to the current count """ new_level = int(self.level) + amount self.level = new_level
def add_luk(self, amount)
Add the specified amount to the current existing LUK pool
- Int, representing the amount of LUK to be added to the current pool
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def add_luk(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing LUK pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of LUK to be added to the current pool """ new_luk = int(self.luk) + amount self.luk = new_luk
def add_max_hp(self, amount)
Add the specified amount to the current existing Max HP pool
- Int, representing the amount of Max HP to be added to the current pool
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def add_max_hp(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing Max HP pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of Max HP to be added to the current pool """ new_hp = int(self.max_hp) + amount self.max_hp = new_hp
def add_max_mp(self, amount)
Add the specified amount to the current existing Max MP pool
- Int, representing the amount of max MP to be added to the current pool
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def add_max_mp(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing Max MP pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of max MP to be added to the current pool """ new_mp = int(self.max_mp) + amount self.max_mp = new_mp
def add_mesos(self, amount)
Adds the specified amount to the current meso count
- Int, representing the amount of mesos to be added to the current count
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def add_mesos(self, amount): """Adds the specified amount to the current meso count Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of mesos to be added to the current count """ new_amount = int( + amount = str(new_amount) # money is a String; converting back to String for consistency
def add_sp(self, amount)
Add the specified amount to the current existing free SP pool
- Int, representing the amount of free SP to be added to the current pool
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def add_sp(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing free SP pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of free SP to be added to the current pool """ new_sp = int(self.sp) + amount self.sp = new_sp
def add_str(self, amount)
Add the specified amount to the current existing STR pool
- Int, representing the amount of STR to be added to the current pool
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def add_str(self, amount): """Add the specified amount to the current existing STR pool Args: amount: Int, representing the amount of STR to be added to the current pool """ new_str = int(self.strength) + amount self.strength = new_str
def get_char_img(self)
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def get_char_img(self): equipped_items = [self.face,] equipped_inv = self.inventory.equipped_inv for item in equipped_inv: item_id = equipped_inv[item]["itemid"] equipped_items.append(item_id) url = f"{}/{str(equipped_items)[1:-1]}/stand1/1".replace(" ", "") return url
def get_gender_name(self)
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def get_gender_name(self): if self._gender == 0: return "Male" return "Female"
def get_inventory_ids(self)
Returns equip_inv_id, equipped_inv_id, consume_inv_id, etc_inv_id, install_inv_id, cash_inv_id in a dict
dictionary of all inventory ids from corresponding character
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def get_inventory_ids(self): """Returns equip_inv_id, equipped_inv_id, consume_inv_id, etc_inv_id, install_inv_id, cash_inv_id in a dict Returns: dictionary of all inventory ids from corresponding character """ inventory_ids = { "equip_inv_id": self.equip_inv_id, "equipped_inv_id": self.equipped_inv_id, "consume_inv_id": self.consume_inv_id, "etc_inv_id": self.etc_inv_id, "install_inv_id": self.install_inv_id, "cash_inv_id": self.cash_inv_id } return inventory_ids
def get_job_name(self)
Returns the actual name of the job from job id
String, representing the job name corresponding to a job ID
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def get_job_name(self): """Returns the actual name of the job from job id Returns: String, representing the job name corresponding to a job ID """ return JOBS[str(self.job)]
def get_primary_stats(self)
Returns str, int, dex, luk values in a dictionary
dictionary of primary stats
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def get_primary_stats(self): """Returns str, int, dex, luk values in a dictionary Returns: dictionary of primary stats """ primary_stats = { "str": self.strength, "dex": self.dex, "int": self.inte, "luk": self.luk } return primary_stats
def get_stat_by_column(self, column)
Given a column name, return its value in the database
- string, representing the column in the database from which the value is to be fetched from
string, representing the value in the database associated with the provided column
Generic error on failure
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def get_stat_by_column(self, column): """Given a column name, return its value in the database Args: column: string, representing the column in the database from which the value is to be fetched from Returns: string, representing the value in the database associated with the provided column Raises: Generic error on failure """ try: return self.stats[column] except Exception as e: print("[ERROR] Error trying to get stats from given column.", e) return False
def get_user_id(self)
Queries the database to obtain the User ID associated with this character instance
Uses static method Character::get_user_id_by_name() for core logic
Int, representing the User ID Returns None if User ID is not found
- Errors are handled and thrown by Character::get_user_id_by_name()
SQL Error 2003
- Can't cannect to DB
WinError 10060
- No response from DB
List index out
- Wrong character name
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def get_user_id(self): """Queries the database to obtain the User ID associated with this character instance Uses static method Character::get_user_id_by_name() for core logic Returns: Int, representing the User ID Returns None if User ID is not found Raises: Errors are handled and thrown by Character::get_user_id_by_name() SQL Error 2003: Can't cannect to DB WinError 10060: No response from DB List index out of range: Wrong character name """ return self.get_user_id_by_name(self._database_config, self._name)
def init_inv_id(self)
Fetch a dictionary of user attributes from Swordie's DB and use it to instantiate a new (custom) Inventory object
(Stipulated algorithm for unfinished sequence) Runs near the end of Character::init(char_stats, database_config). Uses the Character ID associated with the character instance, and the Inventory class constructor to create a new Inventory object instance, with the relevant character attributes from the database.
Generic error on failure - handled by the Character::get_db() method
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def init_inv_id(self): """Fetch a dictionary of user attributes from Swordie's DB and use it to instantiate a new (custom) Inventory object (Stipulated algorithm for unfinished sequence) Runs near the end of Character::__init__(char_stats, database_config). Uses the Character ID associated with the character instance, and the Inventory class constructor to create a new Inventory object instance, with the relevant character attributes from the database. Raises: Generic error on failure - handled by the Character::get_db() method """ inventory_ids = self.get_db( self._database_config, f"SELECT equippedinventory, equipinventory, consumeinventory, etcinventory, installinventory, cashinventory " f"FROM characters WHERE id = '{self.character_id}'" ) # The row will always be 0 because there should be no characters with the same ID self._equip_inv_id = inventory_ids["equipinventory"] self._equipped_inv_id = inventory_ids["equippedinventory"] self._consume_inv_id = inventory_ids["consumeinventory"] self._etc_inv_id = inventory_ids["etcinventory"] self._install_inv_id = inventory_ids["installinventory"] self._cash_inv_id = inventory_ids["cashinventory"] self._inventory = Inventory(self.get_inventory_ids(), self.database_config)
def init_stats(self)
Given a dictionary of stats from Swordie's DB we add them to Character object's attributes
Runs near the end of Character::init(char_stats, database_config). It assigns the character attributes in char_stats to their respective protected attributes belonging to the Character object instance.
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def init_stats(self): """Given a dictionary of stats from Swordie's DB we add them to Character object's attributes Runs near the end of Character::__init__(char_stats, database_config). It assigns the character attributes in char_stats to their respective protected attributes belonging to the Character object instance. """ self._vague_id = self._stats["id"] self._character_id = self._stats["characterid"] self._character_id_for_log = self._stats["characteridforlog"] self._world_id = self._stats["worldidforlog"] self._name = self._stats["name"] self._gender = self._stats["gender"] self._skin = self._stats["skin"] self._face = self._stats["face"] self._hair = self._stats["hair"] self._mix_base_hair_color = self._stats["mixbasehaircolor"] self._mix_add_hair_color = self._stats["mixaddhaircolor"] self._mix_hair_base_prob = self._stats["mixhairbaseprob"] self._level = self._stats["level"] self._job = self._stats["job"] self._strength = self._stats["str"] self._dex = self._stats["dex"] self._inte = self._stats["inte"] self._luk = self._stats["luk"] self._hp = self._stats["hp"] self._max_hp = self._stats["maxhp"] self._mp = self._stats["mp"] self._max_mp = self._stats["maxmp"] self._ap = self._stats["ap"] self._sp = self._stats["sp"] self._exp = self._stats["exp"] self._pop = self._stats["pop"] # fame self._money = self._stats["money"] self._wp = self._stats["wp"] self._position_map = self._stats["posmap"] self._portal = self._stats["portal"] self._sub_job = self._stats["subjob"]
def init_user(self)
Fetch a dictionary of user attributes from Swordie's DB and use it to instantiate a new User object
Runs at the end of Character::init(char_stats, database_config). Checks the User ID associated with the character instance, and uses the User class constructor to create a new User object instance, with the relevant user attributes from the database.
User object with attributes identical to its corresponding entry in the database
Generic error on failure - handled by the Character::get_db() method
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def init_user(self): """Fetch a dictionary of user attributes from Swordie's DB and use it to instantiate a new User object Runs at the end of Character::__init__(char_stats, database_config). Checks the User ID associated with the character instance, and uses the User class constructor to create a new User object instance, with the relevant user attributes from the database. Returns: User object with attributes identical to its corresponding entry in the database Raises: Generic error on failure - handled by the Character::get_db() method """ user_id = self.get_user_id() user_stats = self.get_db( self._database_config, f"SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '{user_id}'" ) # The row will always be 0 because there should be no characters with the same name user = User(user_stats, self.database_config) return user
def set_stat_by_column(self, column, value)
Update a character's stats from column name in database
Grabs the database attributes provided through the class constructor. Uses these attributes to attempt a database connection. Attempts to update the field represented by the provided column in characterstats, with the provided value. Not recommended to use this alone, as it won't update the character object which this was used from.
- int or string, representing the value to be set in the database
- string, representing the column in the database that is to be updated
A boolean representing whether the operation was successful
SQL Error 2003
- Can't cannect to DB
WinError 10060
- No response from DB
List index out
- Wrong column name
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def set_stat_by_column(self, column, value): """Update a character's stats from column name in database Grabs the database attributes provided through the class constructor. Uses these attributes to attempt a database connection. Attempts to update the field represented by the provided column in characterstats, with the provided value. Not recommended to use this alone, as it won't update the character object which this was used from. Args: value: int or string, representing the value to be set in the database column: string, representing the column in the database that is to be updated Returns: A boolean representing whether the operation was successful Raises: SQL Error 2003: Can't cannect to DB WinError 10060: No response from DB List index out of range: Wrong column name """ host = self._database_config["host"] user = self._database_config["user"] password = self._database_config["password"] schema = self._database_config["schema"] port = self._database_config["port"] try: database = con.connect(host=host, user=user, password=password, database=schema, port=port) cursor = database.cursor(dictionary=True) cursor.execute(f"UPDATE characterstats SET {column} = '{value}' WHERE name = '{}'") database.commit() print(f"Successfully updated {column} value for character: {}.") self._stats[column] = value # Update the stats in the dictionary database.disconnect() return True except Exception as e: print("[ERROR] Error trying to set stats in database.", e) return False